Hey, we finished it! Yes, we finished our challenge on 2/23/2022. You may go back and listen to the whole challenge on Spotify at You Are Loved or anchor.fm/celeta-mcall. You can also check it out here www. youcantclipmywings.com.

It was a great experience can't wait to do it again. It took me longer to complete it but we did it. Day 7 challenge which was the Whole Body Compassion Meditation really made me continue to meditate from a different aspect. I think this meditation exercise should be the first one to use. The next one that would be great to practice is Day 9 Forgiveness Meditation.
I suggest that everyone should at least try meditation or prayer once. I am so glad that I was introduced to it when I was. It has so many benefits. There are so many ways to meditate and so many resources to meditate. Youtube is a great resource. I personally have one I use all the time. I do know I can actually start my own meditation exercises. I have some meditation exercises in the book In Search of You.